Success in Kennebec County

“Before I had my children, I was waitressing at my family’s local restaurant. My story from there is not a pleasant one, between medical and mental health issues, I became a stay-at-home parent. For the next ten years I would lose two of the most important people in my life while I struggled with substance use disorder. I moved to Maine in 2016 to change my way of living, unfortunately that didn’t happen right away. I spiraled further into my addiction when my child was taken and put into the custody of the State and the unimaginable happened. My child was diagnosed with brain cancer. That was all it took for me to start making the changes that needed to be made. After three years of sobriety, I decided it was time to get back to work and began to work with the Fedcap. They helped guide me on my educational journey and provided work supports for me to succeed. As I write this, I am graduating from Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC) with High Honors and have a solid career plan. The program at Fedcap not only helped my family financially but it helped me to regain confidence in myself and my abilities.”