Success in Penobscot County

When I first started with Fedcap, I was a participant; Due to unforeseen circumstances, I found myself in need of help. I had no income with just $80 dollars to my name. My first Placement Specialist was awesome! He was genuine, collaborative with me, and we agreed I would start POP. At first, I thought, “Why? I already have work experience. Why do I need to hear this all again?” And I’m thankful for being signed up for POP; it gave me the opportunity to “build my toolbox” with the necessary tools to market myself for a long-term career. When I was done, I started my job searching. When I wasn’t having any luck, it was suggested by my Placement Specialist that I should apply to Fedcap; he felt my skills and work experience would be a great asset. I told him I would think about it, but I kept on with my job searches in other areas. After a month or two of no luck with finding a job in the areas I was interested in (and a couple more suggestions to apply to Fedcap), I decided why not? I was nervous about working in a position that deals with trauma, especially since I grew up in an unstable environment that I thought was normal until I got older. Since working with Fedcap, I got assigned to a rockstar of a Career Specialist that showed me that I can utilize my past trauma and work experience to give families the tools they need to build their toolbox and help them to move forward to the life that they deserve to have; healthy, happy, and safe. I started as an Administrative Assistant last fall, and as of this month, I officially became a Career Specialist! I have never been so blessed by a company as I have Fedcap. This the best place I have ever worked in my life! I am so thankful for everyone I have met, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone as my journey continues with Fedcap.